Demo/Experiment Waiver Form

If you would like to have one of your demos or experiments included in our Demo/Experiment Site, please complete the Waiver Form and the Submission Form.

School Address
State Zip
E-Mail Address
Phone (optional)
Experiment/Demo Name

If you have a personal or school web site that you would like us to link to in your demo, please put the URL here:

I, the above referenced, by submitting this form, do hereby grant the Polymer Science Learning Research Center, the right to use the above referenced demo for educational purposes only on their website or for distribution on CD ROM. Should I at any time in the future desire to revoke this right, I need only contact the Polymer Science Learning Center by e-mail, U.S. First Class Mail or by telephone and make my wishes known and the Polymer Science Learning Center will immediately take the above referenced demo off their site.
Would you like your school name or you name acknowledged on the site? Yes No

To Demo Submission Form