Fiberglass in Cars

In case you haven't guessed, yes, fiberglass is used extensively in the automotive industry. Nearly every kit car sold has a fiberglass body. While this may not sound impressive to those of you who don't want to put your own cars together, just look at an example of a kit car..

By 1944 Owens Corning had developed the first Fiberglas-reinforced plastic boat hull. In 1946 they made Fiberglas reinforced plastic fishing rods, serving trays and pleasure boats. In 1953 the company partnered with General Motors on the first production automobile with a body made entirely of Fiberglas®-reinforced plastic, the Chevrolet Corvette.

This fine car was a close second to the Corvette. Why do I have a picture of this and not the Corvette? Because I like how this looks better, of course.

This car is a 1954 Kaiser-Darrin, one of 435 made.

And why do I make it a point to mention that these were the first? Because, in reality it is a mark of pride for the people who produced these vehicles. They were the first in the automotive industry to realize that making their vehicles out of fiberglass would be a good idea, and they put that realization to use.

Upon examination of the material, it just makes sense to use fiberglass composite in the place of steel in car body construction.

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